Art Machines planning and developing ideas

Our initial idea for our art machine was to represent human characteristics, emotions and feelings through our work. An art machine is a machine that makes an impact without the assistance of the artist, and our interpretation of how we would like our machine to work is that our machine will have an impact on the viewer who interacts with our work rather than a literal canvas. We eventually came to the idea: how do we make a machine care?

We began brainstorming and came to the idea of making the machine show physical touch and warmth by using glove and blowing warm air into them and make a hand that the audience can interact with. We started off by taping the gloves directly to the hairdryer, but the gloves started to smell like they were burning To work around this problem we added string the distance the glove from the dryer which was effective. However the glove would only fill up with air when held at a certain angle. Our next attempt were going to try use a more substantial material instead of the string to try and make the glove stand up in the way we want it to.

The next step for us is to test our other ideas which involve machines showing care. Our main 4 ideas are a machine which hugs a blanket around the audience, a wall of gloves which the viewer can sink into, a massage machine , and the hairdryer machine.

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