Art Machine: Day 3

Having the same energy as yesterday, we were excited to get stuck into it. After some technical difficulties involving our little fan’s power cord breaking, we decided to ditch the small fan and upsize to a bigger one. Trying to approach this fan with the same idea as the small one proved fairly difficult as the increase in size left us fairly unprepared. Our boxes were now too small to fit the fan and our brushes were a real struggle to angle.

We decided to tape two boxes together so it could accompany the size of the fan. Although this fixed the problem of size, we were now left with an issue of leaks, which there were a lot of. We tried to tape them up as best as possible but it still managed to seep through.

Our original concept involved having an ink/paint tray at the the bottom of the fan, where the brushes can pick up paint and splatter it. Setting up an ink tray for the big fan was one of the most frustrating processes I have had the displeasure of endeavouring on. The tray wouldn’t sit right or one little shift in the fan would mess up the orientation of the tray and throw everything off balance.

After some hard thought (like some really hard thought), we geniuses decided to ditch the drip tray and pour the ink into a little hole we cut into the top of the box. We poured ink (mixed with water) onto a moving, fully functional electric fan for about a minute -_- We felt like the biggest idiots when James came and told us that we were pouring water on an electrical appliance and it probably wasn’t the right move.

After talking to James he suggested we extend the rod of the fan, so that the fan head can operate within the sealed box whilst the motor’s body can stay nice and dry outside of the box. Moving forward we want to initiate this idea and have a successful and SAFE experiment.

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