Art machines!

It felt absolutely great to be back in the studio ready to create after the long break. We went straight into it with our new collaborative brief- art machines. I am in a group with Britney and Bella. We started by brainstorming about the things that we would like to see in our art machine. We really liked the idea of circular patterns and globes that rotate on an axis. We were interested in the idea of magnets and things rotating while they orbit a center point. We started to think about the planets and how we can draw some inspiration from them to create an art machine. We looked at ideas surrounding compasses and settled on kinetic energy. We set ourselves a schedule so that we can keep on top of the work that we were doing and make sure that we weren’t getting stuck into one way of thinking.

We started experimenting with a marble track, thinking about ways that we could push our ideas. Bella and Britney started to make a bowl that we could roll marbles in it and have them clash with each other. We hit some walls with this as we couldn’t really get our ideas to a point where we could connect to them. We had so many ideas that we couldn’t really figure out what was the right path to take. We really have to re evaluate our ideas and come to a consensus on what we want to do moving forward. I think moving forward I want to focus more on the manipulation of light. Hopefully we can find a good final idea to work on.

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