Art Machines, Gathering Materials + Group Meeting- day 2

Tuesday morning my group and I headed out to gather some of the materials we needed for our machine. We bought a glue gun, beach balls, foam balls and string. With these materials we glued the string to the balls so that we could hang them from the ceiling.

We also had out discussion with our adviser, Ziggy. He gave very interesting ideas and points in out discussion, we spoke about artist who had similar ideas to ours or related to our machine in a way. He helped us to further develop our machine by suggesting other ways to go about our plan, like filling balloons with helium and having them reaching up instead of always hanging down. With this we came up with the idea to let the balloons float up and hit one of our materials and leave a mark by putting paint on it. He like our idea with the ice cubes and spoke about how letting things return to its natural state is an interesting concept that relates to our idea of letting the ice cubes melt to its original state. We then came up with the idea of filling up some of the balloons and beach balls with water and freezing it and then hang it from the ceiling and to let the condensation to seep through and wet out fabric and powdered dye.

Artist mentioned by Ziggy – Nora Schultz.

Nora Schultz

See the source image
Nora seems to have the same concept in hanging objects covered in paint and to let them touch the ground and leave its mark. Her object in this image had a very textured surface and looks to be made of concrete or clay and was made attached to the rope.

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