Art Machines, Week 1

This week was an introduction to what we’re going to be doing. So for the art machines project the group I’m in has already done tests with machines to create art. Not finished, but we have started tests. And all are working pretty well so far, I’m real happy with my group.

So far what I’ve done is use wind up toys that walk, and I’ve made them walk through the paint to create patterns. But I’ve also tried another idea out with a cheap USB blender, but the paint was to thick and it didnt work. So I’m gonna try it again but with either less paint or make the paint thinner.

This is a way to start a fire with a bow. But this is the closest example to what i want to make to my art machine. But instead of just having a plain stick, i want to add fins or a propeller type to the bottom of the stick. Then as i push the bow back and forth, the fins just twist along with the stick which will make whatever paint or ink flick off of it making it an art machine.

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