Week 1: Machine

Planning stage:

Tie Dye gumball machine.
we planned to have the charol covered balloons (filled with holli powder) go through a 'maze' or mechanism, leave marks and pop over a white tshirt.

As a team we split the items we needed to bring, I bought the waterballoons and 2 white t-shirts. 

This Idea didnt stick as we found we couldnt fill the Waterballoons with holi powder and pop it easily. new Idea

We decided to cut the balloon idea and have two rings/ sieves, first one has holes on the side with powder in the middle, second is just to dipurst the powder as it falls, the rings are connected to a drum kick with string to push and pull which creates the movment.
Collectively as a team we wieved rope together to create stength to hold the wieght of everything.

On the last day we glued plastic onto the barrel ring and tied the two together, ready for next week.

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