Art Machine: Brainstorm

During our first group meeting we each came up with ways we could make art using a machine that runs on its own. We all wanted to use aspects we work well in which included painting and photography. Our first idea were to use balloons and paint to create splashes on a canvas; that grew into using a a device that runs on its own which was a fan, it will direct the splashes and create new and interesting patterns and designs. Upon further inspection, we realised that a few groups also wrote down using a fan and balloons, leading us to finding new ways and materials.

During our meeting we talked about vibration and motion; and we thought of using a speaker to create small or huge vibrations. However, we thought of how we would have to get a huge speaker in order for an object to bounce up and down and create art. With the limited time and money we had to scrap the idea. In our discussions, we came across using seeds as apart of our machine, it helped us generate the idea of incorporating plants and nature. This step made us think of time and the use of clocks by replacing the hands of the clocks with branches/leaves to create art. Paint was going to be filled into small pots so the plant could pick it up and spread across the canvas to make marks and designs. We came to realise that we needed to use the second hand for our results to come out quicker.

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