Art Machines- Day One


After brainstorming some ideas, we came up with the idea of using a slinky as a way to make art. The idea was to lay a sheet of paper on a staircase and send a paint covered slinky down the staircase to make marks.

Below are some videos of the process.

In my opinion the result was very successful. A lot of our ideas fell under the idea of time and rhythm. The above piece is a perfect example of this. By releasing the slinky from the same spot you get an idea of its rhythm as it falls in the same area. However it is also interesting to see how with each jump it spreads out further and further from the previous paths. This is visually demonstrated by the gradual expansion of circular shapes in each section.

We then experimented by laying the paper down so it wasn’t flush with the stairs as we had previously done. This mean that the slinky could easily roll down the paper. Below is the result.

In my opinion, although the grated lines of the slinky’s edge made an interesting combed effect, you lose the sense of rhythm created by the slinky’s usual way of stepping down the stairs. It becomes more chaotic and not as methodical.

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