Week 2: Machine

Started the week by poking holes in the plastic to make it a sieve, tie it up, and attach a drum peddal to the mechanism so we can start testing it. we did this collectively as a team.

First test we wernt as impressed, the end result was cool and unpredictable but we knew we could do better. The big problem was that the dust wouldnt fall but just cloud the area, we decided to get a see through poncho (I bought it) and use it to keep the powder within the sieve/ machine. the other problem was the t-shirt was boring when it was layed out, we needed folds.

Problem fixed! it was a success, covering the machine allowed the powder to fall on the twisted t-shirt, we created a gradient of colours and shapes just as a tie dye machine should work.

I wouldnt change anything if I had more time, this is exacly what I envisioned as a two week project, we fixed every problem we came across as a team. we worked together easily, produced alot of ideas, coordinating what to do, what to buy/bring, no one held the team back, we collectively knew our own responsibilities and it worked.

Team: Maia Edmonds, Adrian Bennett, Della Chester and William McGorry.

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