(5) Art Machines – Finishing and Concluding

This brief and/or project was a fantastic way to kick off the second semester. It was fascinating in ways that I would not have expected. The unpredictable nature of it was a huge part of what made this so enjoyable. Every machine we built may not have the traditional appearance of a ‘machine’. But the way we designed everyday things and made them to function in a specific way is something I’m really proud of.

Even though it was enjoyable, I found it to be somewhat tough. It was difficult for me because I’m not used to working in a more technical manner. Though I employ a variety of techniques and mediums, my work is something vastly different. I’m excited to be broadening my understanding of art and how to create it. I was able to manifest and construct items that I ordinarily wouldn’t be able to create by hand or with any part of my body while working on this brief; it was incredibly unusual, unpredictable, and a lot of fun.

This brief appealed to me since it was not limiting in terms of what or how to make works; if you had an idea, you could simply try it out. I really appreciated how collaborative this brief was; it was enjoyable to collaborate with others and to hear their thoughts and criticisms.

The art machines, the catapult and slinky, were shown alongside the artwork generated by them, which we felt was a brilliant idea.

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