Art Machines – Week 2

Back in the studio this week! On Tuesday my group came together to discuss ideas, experiments we had created and ways to move forward. We came to the conclusion to create an instillation that relates to the concept of a ‘factory line” this factory line consists of three art machines that will be interactive for the audience alongside my art machine which isn’t interactive but creates a moody energy for the space of the instillation. An interactive instillation allows the audience to create artwork from our instillation that they can take away.

Through elimination of resources and a strict time line, I decided to create a rotating lantern with cut out stars. Inside will be a lamp which projects light through these cut out stars, creating a machine that projects stars on top its surrounding surfaces. I intend to have the lantern spin so that it gives a more life full energy.

To experiment I used cardboard that was laying around at home, I found this difficult to cut stars out that were crisp and clean. This meant a lovely Gordon Harris trip where I found cardboard that looked much more aesthetically pleasing. Once I started to cut out stars the process was much easier, and I had cleaner cut outs. Once the stars were cut out I shaped the cardboard into a tube. Using wire I was able to create a make shift mobile which allows the cardboard to spin.

The first art machine in our factory line is Dices Schrodingers art machine in which the original design of it was to start fires though Dice has altered this to be able to create art as opposed to starting a fire.

The second art machine in our factory line is Bens, Spinning fan machine. He has replaced the fan blades with a canvas which allows the paint to spread out at random to create art pieces.

The third art machine in our factory line is Josh’s trebuchets, they were laser cut from MDF and assembled in the workshop. They fire sponges which can be soaked with paint or ink to create splatter marks.

The fourth art machine in our instillation in my large scaled star lantern which winds up, circulating stars.

I love the idea of an interactive instillation as I find it is the best way for a deeper engagement with your audience and instillation, giving a memorable experience to the audience. Interactive art to me bridges the gap between artists and non-artists, interactive art gives the audience a memory to take away, and in the case of our instillation, a piece of art also.

To tie all these ideas together we’ve used colour, this being red. To me the lantern reminds me of a Chinese lantern, use of red enhances this idea. Ive painted the exterior of the lantern red though as I was doing this I had the idea to why not have the lamp illuminate a red glow instead of a soft yellow. Using paint on the bulb I was able to achieve this.

Lamp with painted LED lightbulb
My art machine after paint being applied
Lantern installed with light
Lantern art machine in motion
Final display

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