Visual Arts Studio(Art machine) – Day 4

We are back in studio and are about to have a look at our artwork made by the art machine itself. Having this massive collage of cardboard that was once a box, displaying it on the wall and taking a good look at it from the back. I have come to realize how well made this piece of artwork was as it was totally something I didn’t expect, but at the end of the day artwork has been made by a piece of machine.

Some of us attended the workshop with Dieneke, and it was about performance machine and how humans interact their thinking, incorporating that in the art practice. I had some understanding of what the workshop was about and tried to use that in the making of our artwork.

An idea of having three people holding a rope each, with the two on the side controlling the pen, whilst the one in the middle puts pressure on to the artwork. There we have a performance machine with humans interacting in what to make, and it makes me think about the art machine and how they are almost the same. We have an art machine making the artwork without the use of hands, and performance machine with humans themselves being the machine and sort of creating art. It was interesting to see the outcome of what it looked like in the end and just thinking of the process we went through in creating something like this!!

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