Paint Splashes on Paper – 1

Paint becomes splashes, dashes, push’s, drags, throws, attacks, rips, marks, imprints, squeezes. I am not used to creation without a general idea. I am also not used to creation simply with action. It felt unnatural to look at the paper and throw paint at it with no idea of where it would land. I liked the feeling of no control for a little bit. The paint seeped through my paper. Other peoples paint would chaotically splash mine. It didn’t matter though because the creating was chaotic. All of us were shoving our entire bodies onto the paint covered paper. I think last week, despite all the freedom that was given to us about how we create, was surprisingly difficult. I made a lot of paint works. I made sure to differentiate how I did a lot; covering a ball in paint, opening up that ball and using it as paint gloves, squeezing, wringing paper in paint water, throwing paint at paper, scratching, ripping. Violence, softness, attacking and more. But I struggled to continue at points. Creating with big action is very tiring to me. I found myself staring too long at the ripped up pieces of paint-paper and trying to advance it rather then just moving on. I think I just wanted to be as creative as possible rather then just diving head first into making whatever I could. At least, it was entertaining to see how other people created works. A lot of water was involved to create a more fluid paint as the acrylics majority of us brought were cheap $2 ones. One thing I really enjoyed was walking around the studio and seeing all the students engaging in furious paint wars against the paper.

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