Week 2 – Paint/Print

From using my existing knowledge of drawing processes we were tasked to use 6 different images to work from. By reducing, and conceptually breaking them down through drawing processes and experimentations. The idea is to analyse the visual properties, using both a figurative and abstract approach.

The 6 different images we had to work from were, an image with people, an image without people, a painting from prior 1900, screen-grab from a film and a piece of trash.

A photo with people
A photo without people
Screengrab from a film
A piece of trash/rubbish
A printed fabric
A painting from prior 1900’s

I loved experimenting with these drawings and being able to approach making works without the key result being a work that is aesthetically pleasing. It allowed me to shift my perception and immerse myself wholeheartedly into the creating of these quick drawings. I found myself getting caught up in each drawing for a bit too long, so by setting a timer I had a a timeframe I could execute or experiment with the process I was about to do. I was able to make many more works through this process as well as push my thinking a bit further with HOW I would attempt the next drawing or the next or the next.

Drawings I found interesting and wanted to expand on

The above 4 images are ones that I found interesting and appealing, the top left image I found the linear vertical lines composed with a portrait paper made for an effective aesthetically pleasing look. The second image Ill take from the techniques, I had a paintbrush that was quite warped which gave the random little lines throughout the bottle, taking away my control yet providing an effective technique. The last two drawings come from the same prompt, and I loved playing with the layering of pastel colours. Moving forward I want to push forward these small things that have created a uniqueness to each piece.

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