Week 2 -Paint Print

for this weeks task, we had to bring in 6 images/items; this includes, 1. A photo with people, 2. A photo without people, 3. a piece of printed fabric, 4. printed images of a painting made before 1900,5. a screen grab from a film and 6. a piece of rubbish.

  1. an image with two of my friends running
  2. a photo of grafiti and stairs
  3. a tshirt with printed text
  4. Primavera by Sandro Botticelli
  5. a screen grab from mumma mia
  6. some tape coverd in paint.

I really enjoyed this weeks work; I found that I was making word really fast and with tools and technquies that I did not have much experiance with. I used, markers, charcoal, ink pens, the photocopier, crayons and a range of diffrent pens and pencils. I also played around with the surafces I was drawing on; I used old book pages, brown paper, black paper and white paper.

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