Paint Print reflection week 3

reflection and new ideas.

After an email from Amber suggesting I take a further look into the tape cross I used for 6 of my drawings, this piece of trash has many possibilities; positive and negative space is one idea that I can further explore. An artist called Veronica Herber uses tape in her artworks. I was fascinated by her work but feel that it is a bit too controlled for my liking. I can see the possibilities of using tape as a drawing tool; however, I have been more interested in ideas brought up by James today. We started talking about mess. But what is a mess? I see my work as messy, but there is still an element of control to it. The concept of freedom and movement caught my attention. Three of my drawings have a part of movement or fluidity, and I want to explore this further. The screengrab from mamma mia has a blue feather scarf controlled by the actress but also has a mind of its own as it is being whisked away by the wind. This got me thinking about motion, and how do you paint motion and movement? This concept of movement has endless possibilities, and I would like to explore it further.

when thinking about the movement I could help but think of the painting Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash by Giacomo Balla; This painting is a depiction of rapid motion indicated by the blur of the feet, dogs legs and the flesh. this is an idea that I would like to experiment with.

Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash (1912) by Giacomo Balla
Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash by Giacomo Balla

The relationship between the form and the background was a concept I hadn’t spent much time thinking about. Form does not have to be a figure or a shape; any mark you make has a relationship to the background. In the drawings from last week, I have been drawn to the contrast between light and dark using the different background eg, old books, dark colours and black paper.

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