Week 1: Paintings

I experimented alot, few ideas that came across when starting my new project. first day I had a tea bag, I dragged it, ripped it, smothered it, put paper ontop, rolled on it, and then finaly traced ontop with chalk, great start, not what I want to pursue. 

Experimenting with different paints, Watercolour, Oil and acrylic. I applied it to a peice of paper next to eachother and dragged it, to see how it would react; oil stopped first, acrylic second and watercolour kept going, pleased with the results of said reaction I made ‘rainbows’ out of it, using the left over paints. and applied the drip technique.

The experiment that I enjoyed the most is putting paint in paper, scrunch, crunch, rub and, drag, to create creases, lines and all types of unpredictable shapes, shades and colours. I would like to continue this idea with future paintings.

@theartofjaleh is a favourite artist of mine, he creates all types of unpredictable abstract art, one day while I was on tik tok I saw this video and was inspired to use the squeegee to create elaborate paintings, I did a more simplified version to test it out, realised it wasent for me, but good to try.

@theartofjaleh (TIkTok)

Morris Louis, An American abstract artist, during the 1950s he experiemnetd with paint and colour. His simple approach inspired me, but (like I said before) it wasent for me.


Lee Ufan, a Korean Artist, painted, sulptor and academic who focuses on the relationship between the viewer and the art peice. His minimalistic approach to paintings inspired me, through this painting I noticed the obre in the ink/paint, I wondered what he used and if i could recreate such technique, I felt I acomplished this tast with my re creation.


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