Week 3 – Paint/Print

This week the focus was on combing ideas and works from week 1 and 2 and reworking them to create new works. Playing with processes and materials from week one that we thought were successful in relation to our works. A big concept I need to keep in mind moving forward from this week is to concentrate my focus on the process and application of mediums etc rather than trying to have a pretty picture outcome.

Before diving deep into this weeks new work and brief focus I wanted to expand my bodies of work with a new reference image of an exterior staircase at one tree hill. I wanted a different reference to work from as my others besides the interior with couches wasn’t giving me motivation to create bodies of works from

I loved the new ideas and works that came from this reference. It will definitely be one that I continue with throughout this brief.

The bodies of work from this reference picture of the interior with couches I decided to play with and develop on as I found the image and its contents really fascinating. Many ideas were able to stem from this reference. I liked the idea of add, subtract, rearrange, rotate etc, so by combing bodies of works and doing these processes I was able to place tracing paper on top and result in a base work that I found quite fascinating.

The body of work with the pink couches stems from the first image where a palette knife was used to create the colourful background with the squiggly lines. In attempts to reduce the clear lines depicting the image I wanted to play and push further with just colour and use of a palette knife. From this experiment came the images with pink couches. I thoroughly loved the results of the pink and yellow chair, to achieve a clear depiction of the squiggly lines a lot more paint would be of use as I found my palette knife scraping the cardboard underneath often.

Practicing with more paint and the palette knife I used this process on the sky on a body of work with the exterior stair case. Was very successful! Moving forward anytime I use this process excess paint will be used to be able to execute my visions to reality.

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