Week 2: figures

Photo including people: Tyler the Creator is my favourite artist, I played around alot with techniques im confident in (Painting, sketching, using ink and highlighter, colouring pencils) it was a great start to creating ideas, or get a general feel of the whole assignment for the week.

Without people: On a Italy trip I took one of my favourite photos, this radiates with warm colours, I first focused on the detail progressively putting in less and less as I went through each work. In the end I wasent inspired to continue any of these techniques with future works, its not anything that I feel I could improve or add to.

Piece of printed fabric: the pattern from this fabric caught my eye. I wanted to avoid any detail, I scraped, smushed paint to show basicly nothing, I wanted this to be consistently rough to see what I can produce with the bare minimum shapes , I didnt enjoy it as much, because of the lack of detail but its an eye opener for next week.

Painting made before 1900: Girl with the Pearl earing, this was my favourite one to work on, I brought in techniques of dipping, scrapping, use of extreme close up, a non complete peice and trying out charcoal, this was my most experiemental period and it started alot of ideas for future projects.

Screen grab from a film: Luca my favourite scene from the film. I enjoyed playing around with negative spaces, simple shapes, removing and rearanging, using an incomplete peice, and painting on textured paper (scrunched up peice of paper) I felt like this is the direction I want to follow, interms of what I need to look out for (eg negative spaces etc)

(sorry its blurry its all I have)

Peice of trash: A rockstar can. I focused on shadow, rinkles, negative space, and simple shapes. This didnt capture me, I liked where I was going with the negative spaces, but everything else felt rushed and uninspiring.

Overall im happy with what I produced, I felt I covered alot of techniques, and have alot to work with for next week. If I could change anything I would have worked bigger, all my art peices are at a consistant scale and I need to get out of my comfort zone.

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