Week 2: figure Artists

Elizabeth Peyton, an American painter who focuses on small portraits of Famous figures, best known for the intimacy she displays, and clear and deliberate brush strokes she uses. I Love the muddy/ deliberate brust strokes she uses, and he subject matters. she inspired me to paint Luca and Tyler the creator in a sort of incomplete way.


Seraphine Pick. A New Zealand artist Based in Christchurch is inspired by renaissance, pop culture etc. Through her empahsis on colours (in this painting) this artist inspired me to change the look of Tyler the Creator and turn it into a whimsical feel.


@madcharchoal (Instagram) Josh Hernandez is a talented artist who gives himself the freedom to mess around, hes messy and very deliberate with his brush strokes. Creating portraits using charcoal and rubber hes given me inspiration to use his techniques. The box method and messy portraits can be seen through my attemprs at charcoal


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