Labour and Time: New Approach to Brief

24th August

I will be working on the brief ‘In praise of laziness’. I plan on using images taken on a film camera of people, buildings and architecture in the city before the lockdown during the day.(These may end up being in negative format as the USB stick that the film place gave me with the images in digital format failed) 

In today’s society and economy it is so hard to be lazy because we have been instilled with this notion that we need to constantly be working towards our next goal and if we aren’t we should feel guilty about that. 

I want to work with film as another medium that represents that idea. It is the representation of having to work hard to be lazy. 

Eugene Atget has been an inspirational person when it comes to this work. His documentation of Paris in the late 1890’s in film really influenced me to look into film more closely 

I have had to look at using my works that I had done prior to lockdown in a different light as my digital files were corrupted. I still have to develop my ideas behind displaying in lockdown EG: will I find a way to print and physically display work or will it be virtual 

Extra Links:

Eugene Atget, 

Converting B&W negatives, 

Converting coloured negatives, 

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