Process Into Image; Week Three (Pt.3) “Patterned Underpainting”

Having made a work I’m very happy with, I wanted to develop my next piece from it. Using only a portion of the previous piece as reference, I created a portraiture work.

Chosen part of reference

Something that stood out to me in this work was the unusual pattern on the shirt. I like the familiar colourblock style of the crayon pattern and want to make this an underlying pattern of a portrait.

Shadow of face layered with coloured shapes of shirt pattern

The simplicity of these forms are successful and I plan to continue simple forms in further works. One downside to this work is that the gouache is darker than I intended and has turned the focus from a portraiture to the pattern which was meant to be a background.

I’m considering layering in detail in acrylic to amended this, or may leave it as is, to avoid overworking.

This piece is a good learning opportunity for further layering experiments,

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