Week 4: Fabric

Starting this Week I wanted to work with fabric, focusing on Girl with a Pearl Earring , Painting by Johannes Vermeer. I wanted to see how I could manipulate the fabric to create creases in a way that I could create a 3D peice.

Starting with a simple eye shape inspired by the painting I wanted to see if I could sew the fabric making creases in a eye. Im not happy with the end reslult, It wasent what I had in mind, It doesent look obvious on what it’s supposed to be, I cant even see it myself, But it was a great learning step for my next attempt.

Im really happy with my second attempt, the fabric is much easier to work with and I had a new sense of direction knowing my previous mistakes. Great to experiement, would love to move forward with this, just unsure on how to.

Decided to paint ontop of the fabric, this was really fun, I enjoyed the process and happy with the end result. I felt the painting was too boring, It wasn’t anything new to me so I wanted to destroy it, sew it a bit to make folds and paint everywhere. I wasn’t fussed about the end result, I wanted to give myself the freedom to make my art ‘ugly’ , something I struggle with being a perfectionist (with art)

Happy with what I created, going in this new direction is motivating and creating alot more Ideas. I like the new material Im working with and hopefully I can branch out using all the otehr techniques I tried in week 1.

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