Week 1, 2, 3, and 4 Painting brief

What is it that you see? Amazing Abstract Art. Perhaps an unexplainable series of messy work. Or you assumed I just got careless and went wild. Well, to be honest, all of those are right. All you should know is that I do have an idea for my Mahi.

Week 1: It began with painting, but no brushes ALLOWED!!!! So a group of friends set off on a journey too… the two-dollar shop, where we received our glorious collections of paints and sprays. We all returned to the studio and began our masterpiece. As I began to create my work, I thought to myself, was I making a masterpiece? Or something so Radom that I like it? either way, all of my companions took a liking to it as well. Then I concluded, this is what I like, this is what I enjoy, this is my chosen technique.

Week 2: The next challenge we were given was to create art using references. That one was more of a challenge because I needed to be somewhat accurate and doing so is a little bit stressful when I would like things to work.

Week 3 – 4: The challenge for this quest was now to combine the week. So I continued the way I made my art with an anime series I enjoyed “Dragon Ball” and combining these two was fun, however, it didn’t feel right. So instead, I used my techniques to create art through emotion.

Week 5: How the turns have been tabled, a lockdown restricting us to return to the studio made me so upset. So as Day 1 begins of lockdown, I use my anger, frustration, and fury out onto paper, making a raging painting. From there I became upset and sad, wanting to cry because I was away from my other half, I made art through sadness and despair, making a weeping painting.

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