Adjusting into MIQ

After getting a plane back to New Zealand I had to face two weeks into managed isolations and quarantine. Another problem that needed to be faced being art student was how can I make art here. I was lucky that they let my parents drop off some things for me, which included a limited amount of art supplies. I used one of the walls as my makeshift studio and had a table to paint on. I tried to make do with what I had and created my drawing techniques taking in inspiration from artist and my class mates blogs.

One day after using my acrylic paint I had left over on my palette. I ended up mixing the colours and noticed how beautiful they were together. I decided to try and recreate it on paper trying to stick to only three colours and white. I challenged myself by not using black. Keeping to the colour I started with and let mixing to form new colours. I loved how this turned out, the pastel looked so striking and eye catching. I tried again on different paper, using cut up pieces from paper bags the hotel gave me with the intent of reusing the bags. After painting I ripped it up and put it back together in a different why.

Next I hope to make more of these and taken them further finding new ways to present the mixing of colours.

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