
Ive chosen my room wall as the creative space that im working with. I feel, restricted, not because of the physical space but mentally, I want to create work that I enjoy. Being in the class I was able to keep Uni art and personal art seperate, I was able to create abstract art as that was what I was assessed to do, now that im in my own creative space I only want to create art that I like, I want to spend hours on one peice till im happy with it.

My paints are in the class, one of my most favourite ways of creating art, pastels are going to be something im going to have to get used to. Im not necesseraly complaining, simply assessing the challenge this lockdown has given me. This will help me get a new perspective in art, little annoyed, but needed.

My bedroom wall:

I luckly had leftover cardboard, fitting within my theme of pattern, this worked nicely. Started with a layout I was happy with, using my mirror to give me more ideas (not sure). I had plastic bags which I could try to relate (In the end I didnt like any ideas). good start.

My art from class, couldn’t stand to look at it, wasn’t my taste and wasn’t going to throw it away. I ripped it up and noticed the lines I previously created, I found them interesting and connected them together, this direction is exacly what I was looking for, I hope to create more and make it bigger, (something I have challanges with)

Small ideas I wanted to experiment on, creating lines and trying to convey the photos through creases. I wanted to see what controlled folding looked like (Left), and what unpredictable scrunched up creases looked like (right). Im happy with the result, just unsure how to elevate these ideas.

Frank Ocean:

I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and create something bigger, focusing on contrasting colours and the conveyance of simple lines, I wanted the overall figure to be obvious with less detail, and focus on the big picture rather then the very tiny details (Something I would always do) Happy with the result, and I love the pattern the cardboard naturally gave, would love to go more simple/ abstract with future art peices.

Dispite the challanges lockdown has given me, Im making progress that im happy with, this direction is something I feeli can develop more in.

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