Process Into Image; Research 3

Over the semester break, I hoped to try some printmaking at home. I had a meeting with Luca during the final week of the semester seeking guidance to print at home. He sent me a wealth of resources and I quickly realised mono-printing would be the most suitable technique with my equipment at home.

Kevork Mourad

Syrian-Armenian artist Kevork Mourad is a reductive mono print artist who makes some impressive large scale works. I was drawn to his printing because it is so detailed, something I didn’t realise could be achieved with a mono print technique.

Mourad shared his technique in a Youtube video, which gives insight into how simply some of the results can be achieved. He explains that he uses “spontaneous and free strokes, and the result should be almost like a handwritten letter signature”. I found this interesting as I have been trying to produce work with quick and simple fluid movements, I’m excited to pick up some of his techniques.

His work is founded in memory and biblical references. I find the sculptural depictions interesting and I may experiment with this look alongside my reference works/images.

Arts Transcending Borders, “Artist Kevork Mourad demonstrates his monotype printing technique”, March 5th 2021, video,

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