Labour and Time: Break Work Development

12th September

Over the break I continued to develop images that I had taken prior to lockdown. However, this time I moved to digital images and sadly away from film for the more practical element during lockdown.

I started by treating the images the same way I had done film. Pasteurising, inverting, adjusting the curves and layering the original image back overtop at around a 60% opacity rate. For the most part this worked well and ending in a number of interesting results.

Fist attempt of development of digital images the film way.

Depending on the environment the image was taken led entirely to the effect on the image after being pasteurised. Ranging in a variety of different colours to giving a hallucinogenic feel to the image.

Later attempts of developing digital images the film way.

I then branched out further developing images out of order to discover the effects. Sometimes just pasteurising the image. Other times taking 2 images, one B&W and the other pasteurised and inverted, that were taken at slightly different angles and overlaying them with opacity knocked back.

Further testing

After that I continued to explore and develop ways of working. Some of which are probably cursed and shouldn’t exist but it’s part of the process and others turning out decent.

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