Artist and ideas 

I was drawn to an artist named Rosie McGuinness. The thing that caught my eye first about her work was the use of brown and off white paper. And also using contrasting and componentry colours. I find her work very pleasing to the eye and inserting to look at. She also bases a lot of her work around textiles and she finds the connection between painting and fabric.

As the image I have chosen to respond to is highly textiles based I feel that this is a good point to go from.  In the image below with the yellow dress, she uses the colour of her surface/paper to fill in the gaps and create the illusion of positive and negative space. 

I want to see if I can try this technique with the fabric the people are wearing in my image to try and achieve a similar outcome. 

Rosie McGuinness 

Images I made using the photo I am responding to 

I traced the outlines of my reference image on my iPad and I want to experiment with using it as a stencil or stamp. I am hoping that this can be a way for me to experiment with a different type of art-making using stamping and stencil rather than painting right onto the surface. This will also allow making multiple copies of works producing them at a faster rate than painting.

This also opens up possibilities for processes like spray paint, splattering, washes, scraping Etc.

I am wanting to make my work on a bigger scale and this is something I have been struggling to do in the past few briefs. I have always stuck to working in mostly A4 and A3. though I don’t have much big paper handy I am still hoping that I will be able to find a way to make works on a larger scale. Whether that be using an old sheet, towel blanket or drop sheet. 

 In terms of colour choices, I have been sticking the main colours I have pulled out of the image I am responding to, I a hoping that I will be able to experiment with the new colours and shades and see what the outcomes are.  

One Reply to “Artist and ideas ”

  1. Hey Isabella – your blogs looking good. Just a few suggestions – make it clear which works are yours and which are reference images. Maybe make your images a little bigger too as this is the only way we will see them now right! Might be good to add links to the sites where you have been looking at contextual material as well as images. But the way you are adapting to other media and moving back and forward between them is very generative and some great work can come out of this. PS – I know you worked like this last year but we tend not to use the term artists model as it indicates a copy-paste approach to making art. Think about the work of other artist as contextual material that informs your practice. Might want to change the title!

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