Receipts – documentation of my kai purchases

I decided that I would document the receipts I have in my possession. I decided I wanted to take photos of these because of how long, and to a point heavy they look. Because that’s how it feels for me buying kai. Especially when going into the actual physical supermarket to go and get my groceries.

I also have the routine items I always get that I thought would be interesting to see as well. For example, I always grab a pouch of parmesan, or I will try and get myself some form of pancakes or waffles. On the other hand, I thought it would be interesting to see and highlight items that were an outlander on my purchases. During this brief I’ve bleached and dyed my hair and also given myself a haircut, this is evident on one of my receipts where I circle the items I purchased to complete this. I also had my 19th birthday in this brief, so I highlighted the candles and cake that I had bought myself since it was during alert level 4.

I edited the images into black and white and messed around with the clarity and texture on Adobe Lightroom but then decided to continue with the tool and idea of using Snapchat to then circle and outline the specific items I had mentioned with the pen tool.

I wanted to look at receipts as well to also go back as a kind of accountability on my journey of eating. To hold myself responsible for eating by seeing I spent money on the items and also to show my friends and whānau my receipts so they know I have enough kai to sustain myself.

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