Artist 1

Jade Townsend is an artist I looked at. They did this work last year called Panic Buy that talked about people’s panic buying during the covid-19 pandemic. I found the tools used to create their work interesting and thought it related to my own art practice as we both used what was around us at home. Since I’ve been stuck in my one-roomed flat and only had my cardboard boxes/packaging my kai has been coming in, and they used the packaging that they were getting their kai and items in from the supermarket from their shopping anyways.

I also thought that their rough and unpolished look to their work was interesting as mine also reflects that due to the tools I worked with. I’ve always been taught growing up going to a private school that the art that I produce must look perfect, clean, and polished. Which I now know isn’t the case. Using snapchat and cardboard boxes as some of my tools relates to the crafty way in which Jade’s was made.

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