Final Summary

During this brief, I have been mostly making work responding to the image of my friends running down the street (find attached below), I was most drawn to this image because of the freedom and movement that they held. I developed this idea through mark-making in response to what I felt from this image. Though some of these paintings may not look like the reference image; they are all made by responding to the image. 

  1. The first painting I made in the studio.  I made it using my whole arm, swinging it in the same way the girl in the photo was. The freedom and fluidity in the image can be seen in the elongated brush strokes and various lengths the strokes came out in. The use of such a thick brush allowed unity to form within the painting. The white page and black ink allowed the lines to be bold and seen on the page. The use of positive and negative space is seen through the gaps made between the strokes.  
  2.  Similarly, with the second painting, the contrast of black and white allows the silhouette of the people to stand out on the page. At the start of the painting, I planned on making the image a solid colour, a perfect copy. But while I was painting it I preferred the messy and uncontrolled edges, as well as the visible brush strokes. 
  3. The third image was made when I did not have access to a lot of materials at the start of lockdown. This painting was made when I was unsure of how long this lockdown was going to go on for and I was thinking about the idea of horizontal and vertical lines that were in one of the other images I was responding to.  There is something that keeps bringing me back to this painting. I think it might be the formality and unification that this painting has. As for the process that lead me to this painting, it was a process of stamping, similar to the techniques of week 1, and the slight bleeding effect the painting has adds to the freedom and lack of control that  I like.  
The image I am responding to
Painting 1
painting 2
Painting 3

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