Final summary

Reference photo

I have chosen the above images to show as my final summary because of the fact they aren’t something I would have usually painted.

painting.1 was a reference to her eyes as they are the most prominent feature on her face in my opinion. This was the first painting I had done and one of my favourites. I don’t usually use so much colour in my paintings nor do I throw paint on with out thought the way I did with this work but I wanted to show a reference to the previous mark making exercises we did in studio.
painting. 2 this painting is an obvious response to my first, reusing the marking technique, I was still trying to make the eye a strong point in the painting.
painting.3 is a totally different way of painting compared to my previous works, in this painting I was responding to the darker colours I had used in some of my other paintings and using different techniques to make certain marks and really letting go of control rather than trying to make it perfect I wanted to keep the portrait idea and instead of focusing on the eyes I black them out fully to make it just as alluring but in a different way.

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