Final Summary

This brief has got to be the most challenging and stressful work I’ve done. But it didn’t stop me from discovering and exploring new ideas about verisimilitude. One of the ideas I come across is We bring life to everything and that what makes is it real. And from my work, I expressed the idea of giving meaning to things. It’s the sentimental value that we see our reflection into things.

Giving life to an object requires a Personal reflection to make it feel real because it wouldn’t be real without a reminder of an experience. Using performance, I can alter the space with the power of presenting. So it was real because I had the attention on me. That was interesting because that initiated the following work. So does that mean, it’s real when someone is put in the position to be heard? No then it makes everyone invalid.

I’ve explore that idea of being the person to say the truth. The conflict aspect behind it is the opposing truths. Everything wants validation, so it clashes and interfere of whats really the truth. It was amazing to have an activity of my friends in the video to amplify that idea. To have each one of them do the same task, and perform differently.

When put into an art context, what is real in a relationship between the artist, art, and the viewer? That depends on what gets your attention first. If the first encounter catches your interest, wouldn’t you feel obligated to know why?. I think this video explains it for me.

But ultimately, we translate our experience on to everything. Meaning that everything is alive, because we put value when we interact with them. The progress of the work reveals apart of the truth is that everything is true when acknowledged and owend by others.

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