Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt is an Austrian symbolist paint. He was born July 14, 1862, and died February 6, 1918. His paintings were brilliant and a global icon. Gustav focused on the subject of the female body. Known for his “Golden Phase”, Gustav started using gold paint/gold leaf in 1898. “The Kiss” is a well-known painting by Gustav Klimt.

Gustave Klimt’s “The Kiss” painting relates to my work as his gold phase inspired me to use gold ink. I used this painting as a reference after my experiment with masking fluid on a plastic sheet. I mixed gloss gel and gouache and wiped it side to side on the masking fluid. When I took off the masking fluid and outlined it with gold ink, I saw two figures. Shown below is a video of the process of the painting I created.

Wilheim Sasnal

Another artist I thought about during the process of this artwork was Wilhelm Sasnal. He’s a “Polish painter, photographer, poster artist, illustrator, and filmmaker”, born in 1972. He explored images through painting.

William Sasnal’s big brush strokes are clearly visible. I decided to try to create visible brush strokes on top of the masking fluid. When I peeled the masking fluid it created this negative between the textured paint.
This is a process of my experimental work to thinking about Gustav Klimt’s artworks.

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