In Praise of Laziness: Final and Reflection

My main idea for this was to show everyday life, of doing simply nothing which can be a good or bad thing. Downtime is needed for everyone so we can function better but too much downtime can cause us to use our devices as our main source of entertainment which leads to other factors.

Something I would’ve done differently was experiment with lighting and camera angles so that it wouldn’t just be of the same space every single photo, and the same actions all the time. Whilst taking these photos, I found myself getting bored of doing the same thing over and over again so I got lost for a while since I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted my work to go in. I found that a change of environment was much needed which changed things up in a good way.


One Reply to “In Praise of Laziness: Final and Reflection”

  1. Well done on completing the brief, Diana! Your methods of creating sequences, and ways of framing your images are careful and considered. Good start to the semester, Diana! Ka pai.

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