Labour and Time: Artist Model Research

15th September

David Hilliard

This is an artist that I am familiar with as I studied their works in high school. They went to Yale University School of Art and Massachusetts College of Art in 1994 and 1992. There they gained a BFA and MFA. There work with triptychs is what they are known most well for and it is an aspect that I would like to use in my work for this brief as well.

Lucy Coin, 1995

Eugene Atget 

This is the artist that started me on this brief as their work using film and architectural photography in the early stages of Paris development fascinated me. He was a french artist that live from 1957 to 1927 and started of supplying photos to the middle working class.

Cannes, 1922

John Dugdale

It has recently come to my attention that my recent works have a lot of similarities to the practice of daguerreotype. An early photograph development technique. On further exploration I found this artist, John Dugdale. Sadly he lost much of his sight to HIV however, he still continues to develop works. I was drawn to this artist not only because of the process used that relate to my works. In the future I may look further into this process.

Young Men with English Oak, 1998

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