Labour in a single image

I have really enjoyed looking at artists that take multiple photos and put them in a series to show changes or progressions. This is an idea that I wanted to explore in my photos. my first idea for this task was to go down to the ferry building, set up a tripod, and take a photo every half hour. I was hoping to show time passing through the lighting and colour of the sky however the colours didn’t change as much as I would have hoped. I also thought that the ferries coming in and out would help show the passing of time. I think a better time to go could have been in the evening as it is getting dark as I think this time would have the most guaranteed change in lighting. The other image I have is of the ferry coming in, my plan was to make the layers translucent to see how the ferry has moved but this hasn’t turned out how I was hoping as I found it tricky to get the right balance between being translucent enough to see the layers without being too faint.

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