More developments & artist research

Bernard Frize is a French artist whose works focuses around a variety of materials and techniques. Frize is an artist whose works explores a minimalist approach to painting, depicting abstract compositions.

Looking at Frizes works in reflection to my own, I take note of the variety of colours in each stroke, seeing how each interlock and connect. The second image I’ve selected of Frizes work shows a simple way to change the way you can alter your work to give a different feel The brush strokes beings angled feels as if the colours are moving, not still-life whereas the others loo still in time.

Bernard Frize works
Further developmental work

This work I’ve inverted the background colour to a black as opposed to a white, I wanted to observe the change in energy the background can give. I notice where I’ve used the paint roller to create the structure the colours appear as if they are almost glowing, presenting a different vibe to the other works though one that ties in nicely reflecting the same theme throughout while fitting the brief and furthering my exploration of my ideas.

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