Paint/Print brief Week 5

Experimental works with mini paint rollers

Pulling new ideas from artist models I’m experimenting with the distortion of the room using paint rollers to make a smooth blend and give a natural distortion with the paint and then go from there. This work I used mixed media, a combination of acrylic paint, soft pastels and vivid. I got much more control and a better outcome than i envisioned from the paint rollers so this is something I want to push and play with a little as I’m able to get long straight lines and smooth blends in my gradients. I’m choosing to stick with a colour palette of pastels primarily pink and green, I find they compliment each other nicely on the paper and present a soft comforting energy.

Experimental works

Mini paint rollers! They have come to be one of my favourite art supply as they give a smooth blend and application of paint. By applying white or another colour of my choice on the paint roller I achieved my smooth gradients. Using some tips and tricks I like to use for printmaking I was able to work out the most effective way to achieve what I wanted with the paint roller.

Experimenting with combining reference images

In this experimentation I’m playing with the original image I’m referring to, by making a full stair case and including couches and a girl from pervious experimental works. I love the outcome of this work as it presents with a surreal feeling from the line work, colour choice and simplicity. Moving forward I’d love to see how I can extend the surreal feeling either through an altered composition or even colour palette.

Starting with an initial look at the final product above out of all the developments I’m immediately presented with a light and eery vibe with vibrant soft colours. This work is a combination of all my experimentations and developmental works. Different ideas have been pulled from almost every previous work to produce this one. This work I feel is an extension of the above experimental work as with altering of composition and colour palette I feel as if i was able to extend the surreal feeling we get amongst this piece. Using the technique with cardboard to create squiggly lines I was able to make her hair, I pulled the girl more forward in the composition to give more attention to detail, through this I was able to add more colours amongst her hair and have the white shine through in the squiggly lines appearing as if her hair is shimmering.

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