Painting 10: Summary

Selection of Works


I have selected these four works because I believe they show the natural development of a process employed to create these works. I began playing with flat lines and a combination of flat, slathered paint, thin washes, and thickened paints. I explored how these textures can create definition of key elements in the works such as washes for light suggestion of form, and thick paint used to represent movement or ‘dancing.’

I was then lead to explore the layering of these different viscosities of paint, combined with gentle linework that created some sort of chaotic, playful structure.

In the next painting, I brought back the representative form of a pomegranate in combination with the previous layering process. I find pomegranates to be particularly gestural, and so I felt they fit in well to my works in this brief.

Finally, this last featured painting brought together many previously used elements. It has depth achieved by many layers, some of which barely visible, but working into a dimensional space. Much of this work (and the others) I would say I was drawing with paint, rather than painting. It was created by refining what started as gestural into a more refined process of image creation, as demonstrated in the other featured works.

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