Painting 7: Painters

Some of the painters I have been introduced to in this brief include Kim Pieters, Aaron Fell-Fracasso, and Seraphine Pick. They all share similar qualities in their paintings that appeal to me.

Seraphine Pick ^

I’ll be honest, when I saw Seraphine Pick on the recommended artist list I was initially only interested because Seraphine is the name of a character in a video game I like to play. Though I was pleasantly surprised when I saw some of her paintings and quite liked them. These two in particular I like for their compositions and rendering of form. I’m interested in the style of mark-making that defines the forms, specifically the outlines in bold tones and patches of flat or smudgy paint. I think that these are things I could try to emulate in future paintings.

Aaron Fell-Fracasso ^

Aaron Fell-Fracasso is an Australian artist who creates his paintings in a gestural manner, using many concocted paints of different textures, including aerosol. I enjoy the playful forms (or lack-thereof), and the muted colours. I’m also interested in the many layers that you can see go into his works. This connects well with what I am trying to achieve. A process of layers.

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