Painting 8: Online Arting

In this day and age, there’s really no better place to find inspiration than online. There is a plethora of images, information, and babble. It’s an anthology of life, really. Pinterest and Instagram are my go-to sources for an art-fix, although they are difficult places to find art that can be academically referenced. For example, I can click on to Pinterest and mindlessly scroll forever, consuming anonymous images, as seen below, my Pinterest feed.

That is my personalised/randomised feed, but as you can see here, I can also endlessly scroll pomegranate pictures, which I love to do:

It’s a great way to keep your art mind well-fed, even though sometimes it can feel wrong. Especially considering the visual overload you could give yourself. But hey, it’s there.

I have also recently found this artist on Instagram. I don’t know her name, but her Instagram handle is featured in the above images. The linework is intriguing to me, and quite visually stimulating or pleasing. Especially since they are based on real images, they have a certain balance and naturality to them.

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