Process into imagery. Summary

This brief open my eyes to a world of exploration and experimentation. By stretching one verb to its limits allowed me to think of ways to manipulate mediums into creative techniques. I really enjoyed the freedom of my mind and allowing my ideas to flow onto paper and fabrics.

My starting pieces were mainly based on the idea of verbs. Such as scrapping, flowing, scrunching, pasting etc. I was able to create a shapes from found fabric that began to flow from my very first piece to my last piece. My fabric was a mesh T-shirt that when paid attention too was formed of miniature hexagons.

Lockdown had a huge strain on me. I was eager to continue creating more for this brief and myself but I faced some challenges. At home I only had books, paper, pencils, and pens. I decided my creativity can can overcome every challenge. I began mixing flour, dishwashing soap and water to concoct a mixture that was distributed into 6 seperate containers. Adding a few drops of my chosen food colourings to each container and now I have my own homemade paint. On top of an A3 people of paper I collaged famous art from a book I had lying around to use as a background. Using my homemade paint I began my first layer of this portrait. The homemade paint wasn’t very vibrant. On my second layer the colours built up and I got my portrait to a place I really love. Layering my paint with a big fan brush I began constructing abstract shapes, as-well as my continued hexagon shapes.

Overall, I really enjoyed evolving my knowledge and techniques about the freedom of art. Ive aways used art as an escape and it was extremely freeing to me knowing its okay to not love what you create but theres always something to learn. Amber reminded me that even though this brief has come to an end these pieces and art will never be finished until our journey of life is over. My eyes has been opened to a whole new world of art and perspective. I am intrigued to learn and grow as the year continues.

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