Summary post

Final works

Throughout this brief I was able to explore materials and processes with creative freedom. At the beginning of this brief I generated a variety of processes through experimenting with different and new materials, then observing the visual result. Through these experiments of generating processes I found new and more intriguing ways to approach my art making, breaking away from only traditional art processes. Above are 4 works I created that I feel best engage with the briefs focus utilising multiple mediums being acrylic paint and pastel. A combination of techniques and ideas from my art models is relevant in my final works.

This brief has challenged my art making and thinking processes, forcing me to break out of habits and explore a variety of mediums, a few being acrylic paint, watercolour paint, charcoal, pastel and more. On top of a variety of materials I expanded my choices of canvas, from old fabrics and curtains to paper and cardboard, all materials providing alternative pathways of news ideas and concepts. Balancing both figurative and abstract themes into one work has been a challenging and fun experience as it has opened up my mind to ways I could expand my own personal art style. Paint without a whole intention has been my saying to myself throughout this brief as I often found myself caught up in finer details rather than taking core ideas and creating works from those.

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