
This is a video of my brother getting out to deliver the package to a kaumatua.

Reflection: This whole photography journey has been very up and down. My theme always seems to change throughout considering lockdown and work got in the way, but it always stuck to the “care and good of the work”. During Covid, there’s always people that are still working behind the scenes. My kaupapa is surrounded by the mahi done for kaumatua during lockdown. It starts off with my mum working from home, doing calls and sometimes she would have to go and check on the kaumatua (she’s a nurse and essential worker). Then it switched more people working and showing them physically going and doing the mahi. I think its important that everyone does their part during lockdown, whether its essential work or just following the lockdown rules. I think essential workers are the best kaupapa for “the care and good of the work”

One Reply to “Deliveries”

  1. Your documentation of everyday labour and care is wonderful for the small scale meal to the enormous commitment of a hangi. It is great to see you explore the range of methods introduce and it is worth considering how your animations differ from a video. Congratulations on the many great works that you have made with a clear focus on ‘Care and the Good Work’ – these documentary works are sensitively shot and thoughtfully reflected on. What amazing work you and your whanau are doing during this lockdown!
    – Dieneke

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