1 minute sculptures

The thing that really enticed me about Erik Wurm’s 1 minute sculptures1 was the discomfort they cause. Often when we observe an installation or a sculpture, we can take our sweet time in looking at them, with all the comfort in the world… but, even with mere photos, Wurm’s images are pretty unsettling, and i wish those peoplle would just get out of there!

so that’s what i tried to imply with most of mine..

rubbish day

okay, rubbish day is on a monday for us, bu i thought it might be fun to pretend it’s today… and a little self pity can’t go a-miss!

heavy drinking

i tried to drag this empty bottle for a minute pretending it was heavier than i

lazy afternoon

ok i dont like to sit and watch TV but it’s been hard not to this lockdown… here i am doing so again, with a twist! it was pretty hard to balance here but im happy i did, good core workout, as with the next couple


a lil’ 2011 throwback…. thanks for the idea Nikita :)))

friends of the trees

be a tree for 1 minute

look at those curves!!!

being one with my flatmates beetle


this one was fun because i had bare-feet and was totally scared of chopping off a toe


2 Replies to “1 minute sculptures”

  1. I’m really impressed with some of the balance required in these pictures. In my opinion the most interesting image is the couch one, if even more context could be removed it would be like a little challenge to the viewer to properly perceive what is going on.

  2. Discomfort! Pain! interesting but please don go there with the axe on the head idea! Be certainly there is room to push the limits of things in terms of endurance for example. Of these photos I think the most interesting is the one of the VW – its very Wurm (his cars) but sculpturally the body and car cup each other nicely – it also reminds me of the Street Maps photos: http://artfcity.com/2009/08/12/img-mgmt-the-nine-eyes-of-google-street-view/ http://jonrafman.com/

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