Sculpture Brief – Verisimilitude

Day 1 Task.

Today is the first day of the new sculpture brief! During our introduction this morning, James showed us an artist named Erwin Wurm. Erwin Wurm is a sculpture artist who focuses on creating sculptures that incorporate people into his work. Playing with the functionality of objects and the different ways you can use them, Wurm explores interactive art.

After our lesson today, the class was instructed to look at Erwin Wurms one minute sculptures on his websites and try to use this artist model as inspiration to make our own sculptures. We were instructed to explore the different ways you can use an object other than its original intent and to take photos of at least 8 different attempts.

Here are some photograph examples of Erwin Wurms One Minute Sculptures.

Sigmund Freud modern

Below, shows myself interacting with objects around my house in a similar manner to that of Erwin Wurm’s work.

I enjoyed doing the task today because it was a combination of art and humor. It was quite difficult coming up with ideas and objects I could use because I have not attempted to interact with objects in this way before. Eventually, I decided to think about what I do when I’m bored – as it happens a lot in lockdown – and think about how I interact with objects when I am feeling this way. Often when I’m bored I tend to slither around and mess with random objects which are quite similar to Erwin Wurm’s interactive sculptures, and this task. I found myself laughing at lots of the photos and enjoying myself as I went along.

2 Replies to “Sculpture Brief – Verisimilitude”

  1. I love your use of angles Chloe!! I like how many right angles and straight lines you use, standing straight up or lying straight down. I really like the one under the couch and the one holding books. I think its cool that you look like a fixture or piece of furniture rather than a person interacting with the props.

  2. Some great images here Chloe – especially like the one in the saucepan – you like like your feet must go through the bottom of it! The hallway one is really disconcerting because it’s on its side and what we know about the weight of the body on cushions doesn’t take effect! Maybe this hard-soft thing is something you could explore more?

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