
I found this breif extremely difficult to comprehend. We had to look at space and intervene within it (make something within the space). in simpler terms we were making the space conventional and unconventional. I chose to do my cupboard and my doorway. The door is expected to intervene and create a divide between two spaces. And a doorway is walked through on a daily basis, rarely its used for anything else. I thought, what could I do to intervene the doorway in an ‘abnormal way’. I created a bed in the doorway and a mini kitchen. This limited my ability to move freely because you are faced with foreign objects that don’t typically belong there. I also focused on how I could bring warmth and comfort into this space. This was acheived through adding yellow light to cancel out the white light from outside. As the evening progressed, I created a warmer space.

The cupboards expected characteristics are always dark, musty smelling, filled with junk, small, inconveniently placed and dusty. I sat in my cupboard to notice these things. Adding light at certain angles to my body, gave me the ability to intervene with the light, Stopping it in it’s natural course, allowing me to control the shadows rather than complete darkness. My habitual response is to use my body to clean the cupboard. I did random actions to avoid doing this natural response.

This excercise made me question how our body’s effect space. Wether they are directly in the space or assisted in creating the space.

Second intervention

2 Replies to “Intervening”

  1. I thought that the use of the blankets and pillows in the space of the doorway, with you reading, is really nostalgic. It reminds me of younger times when children make little forts.

  2. Jessie – even though you found this hard to understand I think your final comment indicates you have really thought about the complex relationship between body and space. The doorway corridor work had heaps of potential as a space but I think you limited what you could do by using the blanket which is essentially 2D. As we go on today try to think more about things that occupy 3D space more.

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