Process into Image: Week 1, Paint and Verbs

21st – 22nd September

Task: Use active verbs to guide the painting process focusing on them rather than the creation of an image.

Paint Verbs

Please note the white numbers in the top right hand corner of each image referring to each technique.

1: Dilute, Splash and Throw – In my water jar I added a bunch of paints to the water and without stirring them up, throwing the contents onto a blank piece of paper.

2: Roll – In my water jar I got fresh water and added darker toned colours such as dark blues, greens, purples and black. Then I dipped an old red bull can into the mixed up coloured mixture and rolled the paint covered can across the page.

3: Scrape – Using a fresh popsicle stick I scraped the wet paint towards me.

4: Swirl – Using brown paper from the supply package I received, I scrunched it up and swirled it a couple of times on the wet painted page to create a pattern

5: Splatter and Flick – Using the left over watered down dark paint mixture, I gathered some of the paint that had settled on the bottom on one popsicle stick and hit the two sticks together to get the splatter effect. However, this is barely visible through the photograph.

6: Drag – I used the same popsicle sticks from the flicking trail and the scraping trial as they still had some useable paint on them. I dragged them diagonally through the painting.

7: Spray – I used different spray cans that were found laying around to try and create a light dusting on the painting however it ended up with a heavier layer that originally intended

On reflection I thoroughly enjoyed this task once I had gotten into the rhythm of trying different methods and messing around. I didn’t find it necessary to create more than one work as it was mainly for trial and error and given the circumstances I am pleased with the outcome.

Painting Setup

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